Health Information
Healthy Children Learn Better | |
The Health and Safety of your child is of primary importance at Oxford Preparatory Academy. Our Health Technician is happy to be serving our students. | |
We look forward to working with your family in order to provide the optimal learning environment for your son or daughter. Our motto is “Healthy Children Learn Better.”
When can my child return to school after being sick?
Oxford’s rules regarding illness require that you please keep your child at home if they are experiencing any of the following:
- Fever greater than 100 degrees
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
These symptoms must be gone for at least 24 hours without the use of medications before your child can return to school. Thank you for your cooperation.
My child needs to take medication while at school. Will the Health Office dispense it to him/her?
According to Oxford Preparatory Academy policy, prescription medicines and over-the-counter medications will not be administered at school unless accompanied by OPA’s medication form, Parent and Physician Request for Administration of Medication, including the physician’s signature. This policy is derived from state law and is intended to protect the child’s health by involving the physician in all medication matters.
Therefore, if you have a student who needs to take medicine at school (cough drops, throat lozenges, Tylenol, etc., are considered medicines), a parent/guardian must:
- Complete and sign the parent section of the Medication Form;
- Have your physician complete and sign the physician section of the Medication Form (along with the physicians signature this must also be stamped with the address of the physician’s office) and;
- Bring the medicine in its original container with prescription label and completed Medication Form to the school health office.
In general, medicines ordered three times a day are not administered at school, since they can be administered outside of school hours.